Friday, June 24, 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

First Appointment

We had our highly anticipated first ultrasound and appointment with Dr. Washkowiak. We were so thrilled to see a healthy, growing baby in my uterus. The most exciting part was seeing the little flicker of the baby's heart beating. I measured 4 days further than I thought so I am choosing to go with that due date since it is January 20th, 2012 is my due date! Although I am expecting this little one to make an appearance in December. Watch, this time I will have to be induced!

Carson was very interested in what the ultrasound machine looked like so we took lots of pictures. It was fun to come home and show the kids what their baby brother or sister looks like in my tummy right now. They are a bit confused about the baby looking like more like an alien or a tadpole than a baby though!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Best Pregnancy Craving

I can't even begin to tell you how much this hit the spot! I have loved real lemonade this pregnancy. Paired with a Wetzel's soft pretzel with cheese dip, it was absolutely delicious! My snack date agreed : )

Thursday, June 16, 2011

8 Weeks

Hello my little kidney bean! I am still feeling very nauseous and I am also sick with a sinus infection right now. No fun! My belly is expanding more, and we are so anxious for our appointment to see you and your little heart beating. Carson pulled out a book I bought when I was pregnant with Brooke called "Hello Little One". Carson and Brooke love when I read it and it tells them all about how you are developing inside me and what you will be like when you are born. Brooke's favorite page is the one with the doctor putting the doppler up to the mama's stomach to hear the baby's heartbeat. She always asks to read that page and the other day Carson put a microphone up to my stomach and said, "I am checking on the baby". It was really cute! He thought the doppler looked like a microphone, which it does. I forgot to mention earlier, but we bought a new car so that you can fit in the same row with your siblings and we have room for all our gear. Carson is very excited to be in the big brother seat in the middle, and that he gets to sit next to you. We are loving our new Acura MDX and it will be so fun to look back and see your little face next to your big siblings!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Top 3 Things About Being Pregnant This Week

1. Family Bagel Breakfast (with dieting the last year, bagels were pretty much off the menu)

2. Getting a preview of what Brooke will be like as a big sister

3. Knowing that in 7 months I will get to do this all the time. There is nothing in the world like having a baby on your chest (especially a happy, sleeping one)

7 Weeks

Now you are a little blueberry, and positively huge at 1/2 inch! I would swear that you are much bigger than that or that there are two blueberries growing inside me, but I felt that way with my other pregnancies too. I have officially hit the yucky phase of pregnancy. I feel nauseous and exhausted and at night I feel really miserable. So begins the 3 month hungover otherwise known as the first trimester of pregnancy.

We just got back from a great trip to Napa, but I managed to barf my way through the fine dining establishments of Yountville. The last night we were there we went to a restaurant called Bouchon that is a top 50 restaurant in the nation and Daddy had to get his $40 steak boxed up to go because I kept getting up to go to the bathroom to get sick. He felt bad for me and then instead of eating it in the room or the lobby hotel, he just threw it away. Daddy thinks this is a very funny story, but I definitely feel bad about it.

One more week until my first appointment with my fabulous ob-gyn, Dr. Kim Washkowiak. I am so anxious and counting down the days until I get to see you on the ultrasound monitor. I want to see your little heart flickering so we know it is beating and you are healthy and growing.