Friday, October 28, 2011

28 Weeks

Hello my little eggplant! I feel like today we have hit a good milestone. Your vital organs have matured enough that if you were to born now you would likely survive. I had another ultrasound today and you are looking great. You are measuring a little over 28 weeks, but the sonographer said that is mainly because you have very long legs. All of my babies have been leggy. My cervix still looks great and I have not had any preterm labor yet. I am certainly exhausted though. The heartburn and braxton hicks have become worse and nights are tough. It is amazing all that your body goes through when you are pregnant. Daddy and I still haven't decided on your name! At this point, I'm thinking it might be fun just to wait until you are born.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Thursday, October 20, 2011

26 Weeks

This belly is growing and growing! I had my first bit of cramping this week, which has me a little nervous. I was 26 weeks when I went on partial bed rest with Brooke. My first extra ultrasound went well and my FFN test came back negative, which was great news! In the meantime, I am trying to get organized and ready for potentially going on bed rest. My biggest challenge right now is trying to slow down a bit. I love being busy with a full calendar, but I think my body is telling me that now I need to take it easier.

Last night I went to a really fun dinner with the birthday club - me, Kelsey, Sara & Danielle. We have been celebrating each other's birthdays for the last 3 years and this year we celebrated the June birthdays a bit late because life was very busy in June. It is fun to spread it out. Anyway, Sara brought adorable Emme with us and it just made me so excited to have you. Emme is the sweetest most adorable little baby and she was so content just snuggled in Sara's arms while we had our girls night. I can't wait to have you snuggled in my arms!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

24 Weeks

Hello my little papaya! My belly is definitely getting big. I feel you moving all the time, and I think lately I have been feeling you flip around which is a weird sensation. We still don't have a name for you! It is so funny since Carson and Brooke were named shortly after we found out their gender. Daddy and I are just having a really hard time agreeing and deciding. As of now it is between Dylan and Cooper. The other names still on the list are Caden (still pushing this one), Garrett, Hunter, Conner, and maybe Preston. I take my first fetal fibronectin test this week, which I am a little nervous about. It is a swap test to check my cervix. If it is positive, it means your body is preparing to go into labor within the next two weeks. I feeling optimistic that it will be negative, and I am hoping & praying that all my FFN tests come back negative since a positive will land me in the hospital for supervised bed rest. I'm sure everything will be fine, but it is making me realize that you could be here soon and it is also raising my fears about preterm labor. For now I feel pretty good. I have been running around like a crazy person, as always, but I think I need to start to slow down soon. By the end of the day my tummy is hard as a rock and I am exhausted. It will also be nice when the weather cools off. It is already October and I know the time is going to fly by now that the holidays are about to start. We are so excited to meet you, but we also want to make sure you cook long enough. We already love you so much!