Sunday, July 24, 2011

It's a BOY!

We found out today that you are a baby BOY! I must admit that I was surprised. It is going to be so much fun to have another sweet, cuddly boy in my arms in six months or less. There is something so special about the bond between little boys and their mamas. Carson is very excited to have a baby brother, and Brooke is getting excited too. She really had her heart set on a baby sister, but I know she is going to be thrilled and will fall in love with you the minute she meets you. She is going to be the best big sister!

When I was putting Carson to bed tonight, I asked him, "Are you so excited that you are going to have a baby brother?" He responded by saying, "I have been asking God for a boy baby and he gave us one. Then I went on the baby websites and I picked out our baby boy for us." Your big brother is a funny boy!

Now we need to figure out what your name is going to be : )

Saturday, July 23, 2011


So tomorrow is the BIG day!!! We will find out if you are a girl or a boy. My stomach is in knots, and I am so excited to hear the news. We will be very happy either way, but we just can't wait to know so we can give you a name and start planning. The appointment was supposed to be on Monday, but I changed it to a day earlier. Grams & Pop and Grandma will be joining us too. I can't wait to post the good news tomorrow!

Friday, July 22, 2011

14 Weeks

Hello my little lemon! Carson, Brooke, and I just looked at pictures online of what you look like now. You are about 3.5 inches long and the size of a lemon. The kids cracked up when they learned that you can pee now! I am still feeling nauseous and I have a sinus infection again. I just can't wait for the second trimester to fully kick in so I have some energy back and I start feeling good. I am definitely showing now, and can only wear maternity clothes. It is really fun for strangers to say things to me because they can tell that I am pregnant. I have not been able to resist and I have been buying you clothes already. I know....I am a crazy mama! I just can't resist. Baby clothes are so adorable, and it helps me feel good and it gets me really excited when I am feeling sick all the time. I am buying much more baby girl clothing than baby boy clothing because I am still convinced that you are a girl : )

Carson and Brooke took these pictures : )

Friday, July 15, 2011

Stork Parking

I love being able to park here! I went to Babies R Us to get baby shower gifts for Uncle Gavin & Aunt Liz's baby and twins Molly & McCoy Burke, and it was so much fun to be shopping for baby things. It made me very excited for you to come and all the fun baby things! There are some new baby gadgets out there that I am looking forward to trying.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Nuchal Screening

Everything looked great and you passed your screening with flying colors! It was so fun to watch you bounce around in my tummy. You were moving around a lot and were also a model baby posing just right so the sonographer could take the right measurements.

Monday, July 11, 2011

12 Weeks

I have not been good about posting lately because I have been feeling very nauseous! It has been really hard to feel this way, especially since I am taking care of Brooke and Carson. I have hit the magic end of the first trimester now. I am thrilled to report that for the first time tonight, I don't feel too bad. I'm hoping this is a sign of a good phase of pregnancy starting!

Right now you are about two inches long and the size of a lime. Tomorrow morning Daddy and I are going to my ultrasound appointment for a nuchal test. First of all, I hope that you are looking healthy, but I am also so anxious to maybe get a sneak peek at your gender. I will be thrilled if you are a boy or a girl, but I just want to know! It feels so much more real when you know the gender and the baby gets a name. It will be really fun for Brooke and Carson too. I am convinced you are a girl, and Daddy now agrees. Everyone has been teasing with me that there might be two babies. Carson & Brooke are still saying they think there are two babies, and with how sick I have been I wouldn't be that surprised! We'll see....